Big Surprises, Beaches, and the Big Apple for Ash’s 25th Birthday

Join the Travel Brats as they ring in Ashley’s 25th birthday! A quarter of a century and countless memories later, Ash revisits her favorite birthday memories in beautiful places with the people she loves the most. From touristy adventures in the Big Apple to weddings by a villa in Puerto Rico, Ash has had travel on the brain since she was young. Tune in and help us wish Ash the happiest birthday before the holiday season. For more content, head over to @thetravelbrats on IG!

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The Travel Brats

Sofia, you can just call her Sof, is the co-creator of The Travel Brats. She focuses more on sound production and content creation. Ash's greatest passions in life are traveling and connecting with others. She currently works in business development, collects books, and LOVES planning out trips to take.