Miami- A City of Magic And Mystery

Miami is a city steeped in magic and mystery, from its rich cultural history and vibrant culture. Beyond the myths and misconceptions, Miami beckons with its eclectic neighborhoods, picturesque beaches, and a wealth of cultural treasures waiting to be explored. Join us as we uncover the allure of Miami, from its pulsating nightlife to its serene hideaways, offering a glimpse into a world where magic and reality intertwine.

Fireworks, Festivals, and Freaking Out in Miami

You know when something just feels off? Like you can almost foreshadow what’s to come? Ashley recaps her weekend in Miami for the 4th of July and share how she knew it was about to take a turn for the worse. There’s a never a dull moment when it comes to the Travel Brats and their traveling adventures. Tune in to hear about a very memorable travel story and how fire safety lessons from childhood came in handy.